Production Package

Production Package

Efficient production with product-oriented assessment

This package extends the basic package for the application focus production analysis.

Efficient production with product-oriented assessment
  • Order-specific assessment of resources
  • Determine product-specific costs
  • Display raw materials, quantities, parts required for an order
  • Monitor limit and warning thresholds
  • Downtime logging
  • Comprehensive range of communication drivers, OPC and OPC/UA

Overview of production package components

Shift Log

Shift log for logging downtimes of machines and system components


Product orientated evulations according to orders


App to manage setpoints for production systems or orders

Manual Recording of data

Manual data entry of values that cannot be processed electronically

All products of the IIoT software construction kit at a glance

The modules consist of a total of 8 software packages and over 30 pre-configured software components for a consistent method for recording, pre-processing and communicating, as well as analysing process and machine data.

More than software

Consulting & Support

Weidmüller GTI Software

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