Company founder Achim Schreck hands over the management of Weidmüller GTI Software GmbH after 37 years
Julien Rausch, previously Technical Director, will succeed Achim Schreck as Managing Director of Weidmüller GTI Software GmbH on 1 January 2024.
Achim Schreck founded GTI on 1 March 1987 and has successfully managed the fortunes of the company ever since. He will remain with the company as a shareholder and will also dedicate himself to new projects in the field of new energy.
The new management team at Weidmüller GTI Software GmbH consists of Julien Rausch, Fabian Hoppe and Dr Thomas Bürger.
On 1 March 1987, Gesellschaft für technische Informationsverarbeitung mbH was founded in Neustadt/Main as a spin-off from ELAU GmbH. The company started with three employees in the former railway station in Neustadt and focussed on developing technical software for industry. The focus was on services for customers, leaving little room for the company's own products. Nevertheless, the basis was laid for PC-based visualisation software, which was unusual at the time.
This year, the Gesellschaft für technische Informationsverarbeitung mbH took part in the HMI trade fair for the first time.
In 1992, Achim Schreck took over all shares and became Managing Director of Gesellschaft für technische Informationsverarbeitung mbH. In this year, the GTI was registered as a word mark, the first website went online and PROCON was used as the control technology.
In 1994, the first complex applications of PROCON-WIN, the 32-bit Windows successor to PROCON, were implemented. A complex control system with five stations and networking via Sinec H1 was realised.
At the turn of 1996, the company moved to Marktheidenfeld to Georg-Mayr-Straße 9. The logistical conditions were thus considerably improved and the motorway connection was practically on the doorstep.
The new building created the basis for further growth and a pleasant atmosphere for the 10th anniversary celebration.
During this year, the company developed DaProS-Batch, a powerful process control system, and focussed its engineering activities on the process engineering industry. GTI was renamed GTI-process, while the product development of PROCON-WIN and the sale of HMI solutions to machine manufacturers were outsourced to the newly founded GTI-control. Another building in Marktheidenfeld was occupied. The company took part in the SPS trade fair as GTI-process.
To mark its 20th anniversary in 2007, GTI-process was converted into a public limited company and its capital was increased. With the new shareholder Gerhard Wallisch, an industry specialist in the process industry, Achim Schreck became the sole managing director of GTI-control after a transitional period.
In the years that followed, Gerhard Wallisch developed GTI-process into a comprehensive provider of software solutions for the process industry. The DaProS®-Batch process control system has been further developed into a modular software suite that can cover all the requirements of a manufacturing company. The software solutions were customised 100% to the customer's business processes in order to increase flexibility and efficiency. Customised user interfaces guarantee error-free operation and meaningful reports and key figures create transparency in the company.
A unique selling point of GTI-process was the subsequent digitisation of existing stand-alone solutions using interfaces that enabled fast and cost-effective digitisation. Interfaces to common merchandise management systems turned heterogeneous and historically grown company landscapes into a homogeneous and transparent production that met the requirements of Industry 4.0.
GTI-process has successfully realised many projects in the areas of control technology, batch processing, production data acquisition, energy management and the connection of production plants to ERP and MES systems.
In 2017, the company proudly celebrated its 30th anniversary. A lot has happened technologically during this time, made possible by highly motivated employees and creative customers, whose requirements have always been the focus of software development. As a result, the products and solutions have been continuously developed and are still at the cutting edge.
The Weidmüller Group acquires a majority stake in the software experts GTI-Control and GTI-Process. The specialist for web HMI will operate in future as Weidmüller GTI Software GmbH.
Weidmüller and GTI Software have joined forces in a pure software business unit in order to better meet the requirements of the Industrial IoT and to fully fulfil the claim of being an ‘enabler from data to value’ in the area of software.
We can look back on 5 successful years as Weidmüller GTI Software, during which we were able to successfully continue our growth course despite the difficult economic situation and uncertain geopolitical developments.
In addition, our traditional summer party was held for the 32nd time this year. On this festive occasion, all employees and their families came together in the company's own garden to spend an unforgettable day. The summer festival offered a variety of activities for young and old, with games and a rich buffet of culinary delights.
In 2024, Weidmüller GTI Software will continue to set standards in industrial automation and the IIoT sector. With decades of experience and continuous innovation, the software offers customised solutions for data acquisition, pre-processing, communication and analysis.
Thanks to the central location in Marktheidenfeld, the logistical framework conditions could be optimised considerably, and the direct connection to the motorway network ensured quick accessibility. These conditions contributed significantly to the company's further growth.
Georg-Mayr-Straße 9, 97828 Marktheidenfeld
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